Eleven members attended our Zoom meeting and it was wonderful to see and hear what everyone is up to. Many are knitting as well as sewing and all seem busy. Barbara showed us a lovely child’s sweater with a snowman on the front, done on the knitting machine. She has been asked to do three more!!! She also showed us a lovely cardigan which she had hand knitted. Angie has been busy creating cupboard art and showed us a wonderful piece of art on the inside of one of her cupboards together with some extra dots on the edge of the door. She is now going to return to the cupboards that she has already decorated and is going to add art to the edges of the doors. Her daughter had made 10 beautiful baby blankets to donate to Kingston Hospital.
Clare is concentrating more on her beading, while Anthea has been incredibly busy in the garden. Tricia is planning more work on her house and this seems to be taking a lot of time. Beryl admitted that she hadn’t done too much knitting because she has been on two holidays but she had
started to crochet motifs to decorate her washing line.
Sheila has been sewing a great deal since lockdown and we had a good discussion on the merits of sewing machines and overlockers. Sarah has also been sewing a lot as well as painting. She also showed us some beautiful knitted and lined bags which were cut and sewn. This was a great way to use up a lot of small cones by making stripes.
Lyn has not been able to get to her knitting machines as her workroom has been taken repurposed as an office for her son. She is also busy learning to play golf. Margaret showed a couple of pairs of slippers which were knitted using a Bill King pattern in the November issue of Machine Knitting Monthly. She also showed an enormous blanket made from squares of machine knitted felt.
Various machines and accessories were offered to members from a previous member’s husband. Unfortunately no one seemed to keen to take in any more equipment – even the Hague Linker didn’t get any enthusiasm.
Clare asked if she could borrow the yarn twister and Anthea thought she probably had it in her workroom and will look it out.
During our wide ranging conversations, various recommendations were made: Truro Fabrics was suggested as they have a wide range of material. Also the World of Sewing. Clare recommended the Facebook group called Machine Knitting Showcase which also leads to Knitty Nellies. Sarah mentioned that she had used corrugated plastic in the base of her bags and Lyn suggested either Hobbycraft or Dunelm had plastic mesh, although this may be a little too pliable.
The Knitting and Crochet Guild are starting a new online magazine for machine knitters called “Across the Needlebed”. This will be produced about 3 or 4 times a year and will only be available to members of the Guild. The current edition has articles on the Charting Device, how to use a and knit pattern for machine knitting, From Field to Wardrobe, Who would Want a Passap and a pattern for a raglan cardigan for a 6 month old.
Finally, there was a request that when we eventually can meet, could we have a session on the use of the overlocker.
Ed: Thank you Margaret for this write up.