The meeting in January was enlivened by a post Christmas buffet to make up for the cancelled Christmas party. Everyone brought food, the committee members worked hard to ensure a good spread enjoyed by all.
The main focus of the evening was the annual competition and there were three categories:
- Group 1 – scarf to a specified pattern or a headband, again to a give pattern or fingerless gloves to any pattern.
- Group 2 – a waistcoat to any pattern
- Group 3 – any item made to the knitters own pattern
All items had to have been knitted since January 2010.
As so few items were entered into group 2, it was decided to add the fingerless gloves into that category.
The winners were,
- for group 1 – Margaret with a lovely scarf in shade of grey.
- or group 2 – Anthea with some pretty fingerless gloves in pink
- For group 3 – April who made a very unusual tea cosy with knitted fruit and flowers.